Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Voted!

It's definitely one of the more interesting ballots i.e. eliminating the right for same-sex couples to marry, waiting period and parental notification before termination of Minor's pregnancy, and the standards for confining farm animals to name a few.

Here is prop 2:
"STANDARDS FOR CONFINING FARM ANIMALS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires that certain farm animals be allowed, for the majority of every day, to fully extend their limbs or wings, lie down, stand up and turn around. Limited exceptions apply."
Kind of puts things into perspective right? So sad.

Monday, October 13, 2008

You Had Me At Hero...

I attended the McCain/Palin rally today. Here is a video from youtube where you can hear someone say "Obama Bin Lyin." People were also chanting NObama NObama!

I was proud to see so many supporters my age. I am generally frustrated at my generation's apathy to politics or "group think" mentality towards liberalism, so seeing so many of my peers at the rally was encouraging. My euphoria was short lived though. On my way home I was listening to the radio when some D list celebrity called the station to plug their movie. She preceded to turn her plug into a "vote for Obama" speech. She talked about the poles (Gore was ahead in the poles too, and we know how that ended) made a half hearted attempt to sound intelligent, and finished with this infuriating comment: "If you don't know who to vote for or think your vote will not count-you might as well vote for Obama. I am. It can't hurt." Really? Are we that apathetic and lazy? This is why the rest of the world is laughing at us. We should be telling people to research candidates not vote blindly.

Great Sarah moment...